Rumored Changes in the INFOPASS System at USCIS

Officers have circulated rumors this week that “big changes” will likely take place with the INFOPASS system at USCIS soon.

As historical background, applicants use to line up outside the federal building when they wanted information about their cases.  The more cases USCIS continued after the interview, the more people lined up looking for updates on their cases.  The Los Angeles office had thousands (30,000?  40,000) continued cases alone.

To avoid the optics of these long lines, USCIS went to the INFOPASS system for people who wanted updates on their continued cases.  People would make appointments online and then show up for their appointments at the federal building.  That reduced the eye sore of these long lines outside the building.  For the last year or so, it has been harder and harder to make appointments online.

The rumor I hear now is that USCIS wants people to call the 1-800# to make these appointments.  The 1-800# is hugely difficult to navigate as is, often involving long wait times to speak with someone.  Adding the INFOPASS system to the I-800# system would make things super difficult to for the public to get information about their cases.  Can you see a pattern here?

The USCIS Customer Service Number FYI is (800) 375-5283

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