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Arizona Seeks to deny Driver’s Licenses to Deferred Action Recipients
- August 16, 2012
- Category: Arizona, Deferred Action, DREAMers
No CommentsArizona Seeks to deny Driver’s Licenses to Deferred Action Recipients. Governor Jan Brewer has just signed a state executive order denying state benefits to DREAMers/Deferred Action Recipients using the argument that Deferred Action does not give a recipient legal status. This is another of Arizona’s challenges against the Obama Administration regarding immigration.
Arizona v. United States: Audio Files
- May 1, 2012
- Category: Arizona, State Laws
Here is audio from the recently argued Arizona v. United States:
U.S. Squares Off Against Arizona at Supreme Court Over Immigration Law
- April 25, 2012
- Category: Arizona, Immigration Reform, Obama, State Laws
The Obama Administration squared off against the State of Arizona at the U.S. Supreme Court Wednesday April 25, 2012 over Arizona’s disputed immigration enforcement law.