Republican Candidates: Recent Stances On Immigration
- October 17, 2011
- Category: Bachmann, Cain, Obama, Perry, Romney
1 CommentWhen Republicans were asked in February what issues were most important to them, immigration was seventh. In a poll taken this week, immigration was fourth, according to NPR. It was behind only energy and the two wars.
Brown signs California Dream Act
- October 10, 2011
- Category: California's DREAM Act, Governor Jerry Brown
Gov. Jerry Brown on Saturday granted illegal immigrants access to state financial aid at public universities and community colleges
Latinos See Obama ‘Betrayal’ On Immigration: Opportunity for Perry?
- October 7, 2011
- Category: Border Security, Comprehensive Immigration Reform, Latinos, Obama, Perry, Senate Committee
President Obama came into office with strong Latino support, having won two-thirds of the Latino vote, according to exit polls. According to an arcitle in NPR, that support is beginning to erode.
- September 27, 2011
- Category: Bachmann, Comprehensive Immigration Reform, Congress, General, H-1B Visas, Perry, Romney
Texas Governor Rick Perry is one of the leading candidates to become the Republican nominee for the upcoming Presidential Election. The issue of immigration reform will be an important one in the months leading up to the Presidential Election. Governor Perry has taken some early positions on Immigration and I examine them here.
Bachmann on Immigration
- September 14, 2011
- Category: Bachmann, Border Security, Perry
Presidential hopeful Michele Bachmann, a Republican, has made recent statements on immigration. Here is a summary of her recent statements:
Romney’s Early Positions on Immigration
- September 9, 2011
- Category: Dream Act, H-1B Visas, Immigration Reform, Perry, Romney
Texas Governor Rick Perry and Mitt Romney are the leading candidates to become the Republican nominee for the upcoming Presidential Election. The issue of immigration reform will be an important one in the months leading up to the Presidential Election. Mr. Romney has taken some early positions on Immigration and I examine them here.