Romney: Immigration Flip-Flop
- December 2, 2011
- Category: Gingrich, Immigration Reform, Romney
No CommentsPresidential candidate Mitt Romney recently made a complete Flip-Flop on Amnesty.
Gingrich: Puts Immigration Back on the Table
- November 28, 2011
- Category: Gingrich, Reform, Republicans, Romney
Newt Gingrich, as the new Republican front runner, has taken some interesting positions on the immigration debate.
Republican Candidates: Recent Stances On Immigration
- October 17, 2011
- Category: Bachmann, Cain, Obama, Perry, Romney
When Republicans were asked in February what issues were most important to them, immigration was seventh. In a poll taken this week, immigration was fourth, according to NPR. It was behind only energy and the two wars.
- September 27, 2011
- Category: Bachmann, Comprehensive Immigration Reform, Congress, General, H-1B Visas, Perry, Romney
Texas Governor Rick Perry is one of the leading candidates to become the Republican nominee for the upcoming Presidential Election. The issue of immigration reform will be an important one in the months leading up to the Presidential Election. Governor Perry has taken some early positions on Immigration and I examine them here.
Bachmann on Immigration
- September 14, 2011
- Category: Bachmann, Border Security, Perry
Presidential hopeful Michele Bachmann, a Republican, has made recent statements on immigration. Here is a summary of her recent statements:
GOP 2012 Field on Immigration – The Self-Defeating Strategy Continues
- August 16, 2011
- Category: Comprehensive Immigration Reform, General, GOP, ICE, Obama, Republicans
Washington, DC – Just as they have in past election cycles, Republican presidential candidates are struggling with the issue of immigration.