CBP $5k SENTRI Fines: Complaint filed in Federal Court

I have filed Petitions for Remission of the $5,000 fine imposed by CBP for non-SENTRI pass holders stuck in the SENTRI lane.  I have filed several of these petitions in the past year or so.  The public has a right to know about the legality and transparency behind CBP imposing these considerable fines. The public should also know whether or not CBP imposes a different fine for the NEXUS lane (at the Canadian border) versus the SENTRI lane at the southern border.  

Through my excellent attorney Bardis Vakili we filed a Freedom of Information Act request to determine the transparency and accountability of this CBP practice.  CBP did not reply to the FOIA request.  We have, therefore, just filed a complaint in federal court.  Hopefully, this effort will bring transparency to this program.  Let's see what happens! 


CBP FOIA Complaint



CBP $5k SENTRI Fines: CBP is still fining travelers


CBP $5k SENTRI Fines: A Common Mistake Made