The Collapse of Customer Service at the Trusted Traveler Program for SENTRI, Global Entry pass holders Part 1
- November 22, 2019
- Category: Global Entry, SENTRI, Trusted Traveler
33 CommentsI have observed a troubling trend recently in the Trusted Traveler program for Global Entry and SENTRI pass holders. In almost every conversation I have had in the past few months the person has no idea why he or she has received a rejection or revocation from the program.
What Happened to the Trusted Traveler Ombudsman’s Mailing Address?
- June 15, 2019
- Category: Global Entry, Trusted Traveler
If you have either been denied or had your status revoked from the Trusted Traveler program, you would have the option of requesting reconsideration from the CBP Ombudsman’s office. I have noticed recently that the Ombudsman’s office seems to have actually shut down its physical mailing address. Why is that?
New Trusted Traveler Program Webpage–Less Information for Global Entry, SENTRI, and NEXUS Members
- March 21, 2018
- Category: Global Entry, GOES, NEXUS, SENTRI, Trusted Traveler
CBP has phased out its now old GOES website for Trusted Traveler Program members. This new change would apply to all Global Entry, SENTRI, or NEXUS members.
Global Entry/SENTRI: 10 Year Violation Unofficial Policy for the Trusted Traveler Program?
- February 10, 2017
- Category: Global Entry, Global Entry, NEXUS, SENTRI, Trusted Traveler
I have long suspected that the CBP Ombudsman might have an unofficial policy relating to one-time minor violations. My suspicion was that the Ombudsman’s office had an unofficial 10 year policy relating to one time violations.