The Collapse of Customer Service at the Trusted Traveler Program for SENTRI, Global Entry pass holders Part 1
I have observed a troubling trend recently in the Trusted Traveler program for Global Entry and SENTRI pass holders. In almost every conversation I have had in the past few months the person has no idea why he or she has received a rejection or revocation from the program.This did happen several years ago. After people complained, people started receiving rejections letters with some explanation as to why the person had been denied or revoked. But now, no one seems to know. The few who do receive letters now are seeing letters that list the general denial categories with a statement that 'you do not meet program eligibility,' or some such statement. Many applicants are not even receiving those letters though. They just receive a notification that their status has changed. When they sign into their profiles the just see 'Denied' on their profile page.It would seem to me that applicants deserve better customer service. This is a perks program. But, the perks do not just go one direction in terms of pass holders getting through the lines quicker. CBP also receives benefits. CBP, of course, receives revenue. But, it also receives a further benefit in not having to process so many people in primary inspections. That translates into fewer agents needed for a particular shift.